Our history
Nikos and Zisis Tahas, second generation cheesemakers, maintaining a 40-year tradition, founded the company in 2001 under the name: “Agroktima Taha“.
In a modern cheese-making unit that combines traditional knowledge with cheese-making technology we produce a wide range of quality dairy products.
In “Tahas Farm” we collect our raw material (sheep, goat and cow’s milk) from the area around Olympus, in Thessaly region.
We provide each producer with a freezing tank, where, after milking, the milk is kept at a low temperature until the time of delivery by the company’s tank trucks.

Η ιστορία μας
Ο Νί
Nikos and Zisis Tahas, second generation cheesemakers, maintaining a 40-year tradition, founded the company in 2001 under the name: “Agroktima Taha”.
In a modern cheese-making unit that combines traditional knowledge with cheese-making technology we produce a wide range of quality dairy products.
In “Tahas Farm” we collect our raw material (sheep, goat and cow’s milk) from the area around Olympus, in Thessaly region.
We provide each producer with a freezing tank, where, after milking, the milk is kept at a low temperature until the time of delivery by the company’s tank trucks.
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- Sed tincidunt lacus risus, eget suscipit sapien feugiat ac. Maecenas vitae accumsan odio, at venenatis libero. Suspendisse viverra placerat eros in venenatis.
- Vestibulum interdum ex eu dignissim eleifend. Morbi molestie libero orci, volutpat pulvinar ipsum efficitur non. Aliquam ut ligula augue. Pellentesque vel velit nec turpis fermentum consectetur a non sapien.
- Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus imperdiet, quam sit amet convallis tempor, nisl metus aliquet magna, et imperdiet nibh diam vel elit. Phasellus mollis ac augue sed varius.